The Ohio Train Crash Was ‘Planned’ by the Biden Administration

We need to be ready for more of these ‘government planned attacks’

B Kean
7 min readFeb 19, 2023


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Part of me, a big part, feels for the families suffering in Ohio because of the train derailment that occurred on February 3rd at 9 p.m. Another part of me spits with anger and doesn’t feel anything at all — total indifference. This is what they voted for, after all.

East Palestine, Ohio, a small town just shy of 5,000 residents and about 50 miles from Pittsburgh, voted for deregulation. They voted to give corporations rights that permit them to express their political speech as if they were human. 80 percent of East Palestine residents voted for Trump twice.

Many of the policies that they think will “make America great again” led to this very tragedy in their backyard. Do you think there was a getting-Jesus moment on the right? Not even close! Instead, many in the town, and on the dummy right are blaming Democrats for this. They are actually saying that this was planned by Biden and Democrats to “get revenge” on MAGA-its.

You may think I am making this up but sadly I am not. Most of the news coverage about this derailment has been from the right-wing propaganda machine and most of it is meticulously crafting a narrative that seeks to show how this…



B Kean

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.