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Springfield, Ohio Is Suffering What All America Will Under Trump
A small, calm town has been turned upside down by A Trumpian break with reality.
He has done it again. By writing this article, I am playing along with the rules of his game…his endless game. Donald Trump has again distracted everyone from the nation’s real problems. He has distracted his base from the real issues and pushed into the WAWA, breakfast nooks, checkout lines, and dinner tables, which is the case of the grilling of the cats and dogs!
In the way, Adolf Hitler claimed Germans were being offended in the Sudetenland, and Putin has repeatedly said his invasions are to protect native Russians from being harassed and oppressed, Donald Trump has chosen two American communities that are now worse off thanks to his irresponsible and hateful lies: Aurora, Colorado and Springfield are struggling to deal with the fallout of the vicious and racist lies of the man representing the Republican Party in its bid to regain the presidency.
Two days after Donald Trump mentioned Springfield, Ohio, in the presidential debate, falsely accusing Haitian migrants in the town of abducting and eating pets, the city is already rocked by threats of violence.
On Thursday morning, Springfield City Hall was evacuated due to a…