So, does the new focus on publications explain why the algorithm now pushes down articles from frequent writers to the point of becoming silent? Before all of the "reforms" of July 2023--before you started punishing frequent writers--I had an average of 500 reads a day and often 1000. Since August 2024, I am averaging 120 reads a day and earnings are now at $9 a day--probably still too much in your calculations. I used to earn between $50 and $80 a day. Okay, as you explained in a long letter, "I write too much, and my earnings, along with those of others like me, were killing the platform." So I adjusted and accepted that $700 to $1000 a month for my troubles from August 2023 to June 2024...but how does my $9 a day now improve the platform? You reward people like the Soviet Union rewarded workers: Don't do too much or too little, and all will be okay. If you are too active or hard-working in the Soviet Union--and at Medium--then you get less for your efforts (punished). I know you will have some snarky response telling me that I am wrong, or you probably just wish I would get lost and stop writing here, but I am curious why you think it's okay to mess with people's livelihoods this way. If it's so hard for you to make a profit, then run goddamn ads and share that revenue with us. $9 a day...I would be better off out collecting bottles and cans.