My Conversation With Jake Tapper Post-Debate

CNN was awful, and to be honest, I think Fox might have done a better job pinning Trump down.

B Kean
3 min read4 days ago
Photo by Gianluca D’Intino on Unsplash

This is not about President Biden’s performance. As bad as it was, Trump was just as useless, and so, as time may well prove, this whole debate resulted in net-zero gains, potentially leaving the audience with more questions than answers.

I want to write about the complete lack of accountability for the answers (lies) that Trump gave. It almost seemed like the moderators had a list of questions they needed to pose, and regardless of the answers being given, once the light blinked and the mic opened up for the other candidate, it was time to move on to a new question. For Jake Tapper and Dana Bush, the end justified the means, and their sole goal was to get to that end as quickly as possible.

ME: “Jake, nice to meet you. You are a smart guy, too smart for me to butt heads with, so I will ask this one question because I need to know. Why didn’t you or Dana challenge Trump on just one of these more outrageous and easily provable lies?”

TAPPER: “B, thanks for the compliment. You are right. I am smart and not being restrained by the producers at CNN or journalistic ethics; I would crush you in a debate on anything except maybe Russia (I smile…



B Kean

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.