Let’s Take a Vote: Dimachka Medvedev, Buffoon or Russia’s Post-Putin Future?

Yet another threat of nuking the Washington, London, and Berlin from Russia’s drunken ex-president.

B Kean
4 min readFeb 19, 2024
Photo by YesMore Content on Unsplash

The nights are long and lonely in the world of the Kremlin’s most capricious Thumbelina, Dmitry Medvedev. Sipping away the hours in the comfort of his well-protected Moscow penthouse, the angry little guy stares at photos of the good old days when world leaders respected him, and Russians actually liked — and didn’t fear — their president. He is tortured undoubtedly by what could have been.

Oh, what could have been had little Dima remembered that he had a pair of balls not belonging to Putin, the prime minister, then when D was on top of the world? Nowadays, however, he is just on top of how to mitigate the effects of a whiskey and wine-induced hangover. In 2011, Putin found Medvedev’s liberalism a bit too much to stomach and so informed him that he would retake the presidency. Many of us then wondered aloud why he didn’t just tell Putin to F off. Medvedev was in charge and could have — should have — shut Putin down. He could have — and should have — given Russia a chance for a real future built by Russians and not the one we see today: Russia pulled down by cowardly ass-kissers and morally bankrupted hangers-on.



B Kean

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.