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Let Me Tell You a Bit About the History of Adolf Hitler
I am so tired of people defending Trump with ‘come on, he’s not as bad as Hitler.’
I am not going to start this by saying “yet.” That is what most would expect. “He’s not as bad as Hitler…yet.” Adolf Hitler was only as evil as the people willing to put his perverse plans and fantasies into action. Hitler would have been nothing but a whiner and big-mouth if not for The Great Depression and millions of Germans who found a voice in his race-hate and delusions of grandeur.
I am going to say something here that could get me canceled in some of the more politically correct/reactionary circles, but Adolf Hitler wasn’t as bad as Trump. I want to let this settle in so you can react internally and think, “What?! Has B lost his effing mind?”
No, I haven’t. I know history. I know it well because I spend countless hours thinking about it, especially when I travel. I can’t tell you how many hours I sat alone in Munich beer halls, reading books about the history of Nazi Germany while sipping on beer. Many of those places were actually where Hitler made speeches.