Just Hours After Russia Blows Up Odesa’s Transfiguration Cathedral

Putin and Lukashenko are seen kissing icons in Transfiguration Cathedral on Russia’s Valaam Island

B Kean
4 min readJul 26, 2023


Courtesy of The Guardian

The two devils were on Russia’s island of Valaam at one of the Taliban Russian Orthodox’s most sacred monasteries. Russian and Belarus news sources showed the two serial killers crossing themselves over and over and kissing icon after icon all in the hope that God might not notice the irony of the moment.

Just hours before their little jaunt in search of penance, Russian rockets tore into the UNESCO-protected Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa.

“This is barbarism, it’s terrorism. The people who did this are not people at all,” said Myroslav Vdodovych, the cathedral’s chief priest, as he walked through the ruins in a fluorescent orange helmet, taking calls on his mobile phone and directing emergency workers to spots where there was still rubble to clear (This Is Barbarism).

The images here show the destruction that was done. Confronted with his mortality and so afraid of dying that he can barely keep his legs still — a little joke — Putin has begun to position himself in the minds of his ignorant followers as a saintly man “on a mission of from God.”



B Kean

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.