Head of RT Says: ‘Like Us or Starve’

Russian drone attacks on Danube River port 200 meters from NATO member Romania’s territory

B Kean
5 min readAug 5, 2023


Photo by Pranjall Kumar on Unsplash

I wrote an article in August of 2020, one of my first-ever articles here about the Russian psyche, titled “Smekalka: the Inner Workings of the Russian Mind.” The essence of smekalka is simple: Russians use our creativity and energy against us in negatively creative ways. This is what also makes them master chess players.

As a result, a “negative creativity” is generated that catches us so off guard that it is often the reason Russians beat us from time to time. To expand upon this mindset, which I am telling you from years of experience is a part of their DNA, Russians will usually do the last thing anyone would ever expect; they will act counterintuitively and in a way that is even likely to be completely against their interests — if we lose 20 men and you lose 3 but are too weak to stop our remaining 5 then we win. If it is the last thing that commonsense would expect, then the odds are they will do it.

Getting their asses kicked in Ukraine, and feeling the noose from the mix of sanctions and attrition on the battlefield, Russia is frantically looking for some negative creative acts to regain the initiative in both Ukraine and on the world stage. This partially explains why they…



B Kean

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.