Gary, let me explain something to you. Do you really think that when I am writing I am whispering to myself, golly, I hope this gets a lot of claps? I write, Gary, because that is how I process the world. You are entitled to your opinion, and please, don't break a sweat and clap for my writing, ok? I appreciate that you read but I have noticed your claps in the past. You know why? Because I was being truthful. I was following my voice and writing what I know. Nowhere did I say that Ukraine has no right to fight...I said the goddamn war needs to end. Gary, do you know anyone who has died in this war? I do. Are living everyday with displaced persons and listening to their tears as they share their sorrow with us? My wife and I do...were you displaced because of this war? No. My family I too say FUCK RUSSIA...but this war has to end...and hopefully, it will fuck Russia for a 1000 years...please, respect my right to express opinions my might now agree with and also respec that this war for me is personal...I HATE PUTIN AND ALL OF THOSE SHITHEADS more than anyone can imagine.