And there you go, proving all of my points, Buff. yes, gender is an imagined social construct, and so is race and this is why Trump will win. Be careful, you may pull a muscle trying to be so "liberal" and PC. Your PC-ism will lead to a Trump presidency. MY progressivism hopes to get a president elected who can further us along on the combatting of climate change; of helping establish normal immigration laws; of maybe curtailing the gun epidemic that kills so many; the opioid epidemic...really, Buffy, I don't have time--nor does this earth--for your "gender/race is an imagined construct" silliness. The personal needs and wants of people who one identify as being one thing and the next something else, and then punish us all for not reading their minds is what makes Trump to those shitheads seem so amazing (and Putin to the Russians). That PC-ism will do you a lot of good when Trump is president and it's 150 degrees because of the climate change denialism. Enjoy being so smart. PS: Just like what I wrote to Athena, I honestly have no idea what your position is, and sadly, neither do you...I get the sense that you are as dangerous as MAGA. Shame. I gotta go, Buff, I need to add some names to my "spell" against American stupidity.