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9/11 Made Giuliani America’s Mayor
Trump made Giuliani America’s broken laughingstock we barely recall 21 years later
In some ways, 9/11 was as tragic for the city of New York, America and all of the lives turned upside by that attack as Donald Trump has been for America. How can I say such a thing? Let’s use the example of Rudolph Giuliani to help me explain.
Many relatively successful people have suffered irreparable harm to their reputations, finances, and livelihoods once they get near Trump. The story of particular interest is one that in many ways could only happen in America.
It has played out on the public stage and ascended to the highest pinnacle of our nation’s respect but then as if in slow motion, the man, once a hero for many thanks to his leadership on that day 21 years, slipped, slipped, and finally fell from our grace.
Simply because he sought to reinvigorate his fading star by choosing to orbit around the Trump sun.
America’s Mayor
Whether you approved of the tactics he employed to bring about a renaissance of New York City during the 1990s or not, the leadership of Mayor Giuliani on September 11th, 2001 was the kind of lore used to make inspiring Disney movies.
He gave orders to aides…